
Sunday, July 19, 2015

My Family!!

Hello!  I am not a faithful blogger, but I love to read other's blogs. :)

My little update is this wonderful picture of my WHOLE family.  Near Mother's Day the kids asked what I'd like and I requested a family photo.  I also requested that I NOT be "in charge."  I wanted to be in the photos, but I didn't want to make arrangements or choose a color scheme or make any arrangements. -- Anna took charge and I love the result!!

Smack dab in the middle are Chris and Dana White.  The proud parents and grandparents of this wonderful group of loved ones.

Now, by family:

In the back left, Devin Reeder, holding Mitzi (1), beside Anna (White) Reeder with Cora (4) in front of Daddy Devin.

Beside Anna in the back row is Emily (White) Wood beside Erick Wood.  Emily's children are Grace (7) - (beside Chris) - with Henry (4) standing by Grace, Silas (2) in Papa Chris' lap, and Alden in Mimi Dana's lap.

Next in the back row is Monica (Earl) White beside Jared White who is holding Lizzie (2).  Beside Mimi Dana are Michael (8) and Daniel (5).

On the far right in the back row are Brandy (DeBruin) White and Clark.

Everyone  is busy, happy, and well. It pleases me to have all my children fairly nearby and know that we can get together often.