Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I love the word INVINCIBLE.
I want to be INVINCIBLE.

One of my summer goals was accomplished by my son.  I was tired of these old UGLY, and boring file cabinets in my classroom.

I'd seen a cute photo on Pinterest and wanted the CUTE ones shown there.  My son has an auto-body shop owner-friend and they agreed to give these drawers a makeover.  I'm pretty pleased with the outcome.

They are still old filing cabinets with some quirks (like the top drawer that won't shut quite all the way and the drawer with the dent) but they are so much more pleasant to look at!  I'm pleased.

The Little Rabbit Who Wanted Red Wings and Pete the Cat live on top of the cabinets along with our little school mascot, the Lincoln Leopard.

I like the spot of sunshine they seem to be. AND whenever I need a pick-me-up I read the labels above the drawers.


  1. Thanks for share nice information here. Keep it up.!

  2. What a great idea! It's amazing what a little paint can do! A teacher friend of mine took an old metal table and we painted it with this cool paint that gives a hammered finish. Then she put self-stick vinyl tiles on top to provide a new surface. It turned out so great! I love seeing these, and especially love that you kept the labels unpainted. The cabinets are so cheerful and perfect for your classroom!


Your thoughts are always welcome!